Breath Condensate Collector

There is growing interest in the use of the biomarkers trapped in  exhaled breath and the use of these biomarkers to non-invasively and cost-effectively test for conditions such as Lung Cancer, Asthma, Acid Reflux, and Tuberculosis.

Maddison set about creating a low-cost, single-use, Exhaled Breath Condensate (ECB) collector, capable of being used at home and delivered through the mail.

Client -
Industry -
Medical Device
Services -
Mechanical Design , Packaging Design, Human Factors, invention/ design / engineering
breath collector

The patented solution is a compact device that can be cooled in a domestic freezer and used at the point of care. The result is a low-cost collector, suitable for home or developing country use. Samples can be collected and extracted for use in a lab or, diagnostic tests can be integrated within the unit.

Built-test-learn loops

Maddison developed a solution to cool the warm moisture-laden exhaled breath, converting it into a fluid (condensate). It is this fluid that is then captured for testing.

Maddison crafted the design by building and testing a series of rapid prototypes and iteratively improving them to optimize performance and drive down cost.

Talk with us

Thousands of breath collectors have been made and supplied for clinical trials

Maddison is actively seeking partners to develop therapies or diagnostics that use the biomarkers contained within ECB.